Monday, February 16, 2009
The reason why i took up nursing ...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
haha :))
PETER !!gaya2x ng ln !
CEL na add naman ko nimu !
JP iadd nako..
Fum2x iloveyou:)
i love you and i dont know how to stop
i need you and i dont know if i could stop
i miss you and i dont know when to stop
YOU LOVED ME AND I DONT KNOW WHY YOU STOPPEDfoe dah bitchezs uber der !
HU AM I ??
oh well bitches , im good to be true and so real to be fake ! yeah im not perfect, im not that pretty and smart, not that rich but i dont complain anyway . im so damn happy with my fuckin life and contented with it, even if i dont have everything, who cares ?! loser .
im just an ordinary girl, im not tryin to be someone else . im just bein myself baybeh . and im lurvin it ! love my own personality . yes, im a bitch sometimes .. just not like yours .
and puhleeez biatches , dont ever ever try to judge me and how i am livin mah fuckin life as if yer perfect, whore ! and dont ever try to pull me down to get below on yer level, you'll never know what might happen , get it bitch ?!
and fer all the low class human-sluts-craps over there , HEY ! stop fabricating stories bowt me . what ever you say reflects on yer own personalities . so if i were you, just mind yer own fuckin monkey business or else, i'll be the one to shut that thang on you !! you asshoLe !! rawwr !
baby, sleep now for tomorrow's gonna be alright
vanish all the loneliness and sadness
wash away the lies and pain
and think the good things we've shared together
baby, wake up now for the dream is over
accept the wound it causes
accept the fact that it's totally over
and just think all the memories when we're still together
yepee !
ktagal2x ko n22 nito.hmpf !
atlast!after 48 yrs. my na post na
yey! IM IN !
see yah:)